Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading

The Autumn Equinox occurs each year around September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. It marks one of two times each year that there is an equal balance of day and night.

It’s now celebrated by the magical and pagan community as a second harvest, and marks the official beginning of autumn, the season to turn inward and focus on the self. We’re also heading into Halloween season, a time European pagans believed more spirits walked the earth, making it a good time for ancestor magic (hence the celebrations of Samhain and Los Dias de Los Muertos).

Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading — Kajora Lovely

Since the Autumn Equinox also represents balance between night and day, the Sun and Moon, light and dark, it’s a great time to reflect on balance within ourselves.

I’m currently offering a tarot reading that can help give you some insight into finding balance in your life right now.

Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading — Kajora Lovely

Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading

What are the two things you need to balance in your life?

How you can achieve that balance

This reading can be done over Zoom, Skype, phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It is $50, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your tarot reading, email

Click here to learn more about the Autumn Equinox, the Second Harvest and a time for finding a balance. 


Autumn Equinox: Balance at the Second Harvest

Vernal Equinox: Finding a Balance

All About Beltane

Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading — Kajora Lovely