Releasing the Devil

One card that keeps coming up in my tarot readings is The Devil. Now, I know it looks scary and I think this card is one of the main reasons there’s a misconception that all tarot readers work with the devil.

Going into that is a whole other post, including information about witch trials, false information spread about witches, prejudice against gypsies who used divination tools for fortune telling, and the general ways tarot card readers, mystics, and psychics have been ostracized and pushed to the fringes of society where their talents have existed with a mixture of novelty and reverence. (That being said, there are tarot readers who practice black magic, but I am not one of them, and this post is not about black magic.)

This is about The Devil card, which uses the devil as a metaphor to represent something in your life. It relates to anything that makes you feel trapped or stuck—a miserable job, an unhappy relationship, an addiction, a destructive pattern, unhealthy attachments, the list goes on. For each person this represents something different, and it can vary depending on the point you’re at in your life.

The Devil card in the Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith deck

The Devil card in the Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith deck

A classic depiction of this card is from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which most contemporary decks are based off of. The devil pictured is based on depictions of the deity Baphomet, and shows a man and a woman chained to a base and the man’s tail is on fire.

Now it’s worth mentioning that since goats have gained an association with Baphomet and the devil, this card also represents the astrological sign of Capricorn, which is depicted as the goat. With that Earth energy, it compounds on the meaning of being stuck or rigid with hooves planted firmly in the earth.

The Devil card in The Wild Unknown tarot deck

The Devil card in The Wild Unknown tarot deck

When I pull a card in multiple readings like I have recently, it’s usually an indication that we’re each being guided to work on the theme of that card. This card is a reminder that toxicity, addictions, and manipulative situations come in many forms.

Do you know what toxic energies need to be cleared from your life? This card is part of the Major Arcana, which broaches major themes in our lives—therefore this may not be a situation that can be fixed overnight.

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

With this theme coming up at the moment, I’m offering a Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading, which addresses the following:

What The Devil represents in your life

Why it’s coming up now

Why you need to let it go

How you can start to release it

This reading can be done on Zoom, over the phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It costs $90, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email


What’s Blocking Love? Tarot Reading

Embracing the Tower Card Tarot Reading

You’ve Been Ghosted! Tarot Reading


Overcoming Judgement With Self Love

I've seen a lot of posts on here about people dealing with haters and shit talkers in their personal lives. The truth is, we've all got them, and we've all done it to a certain extent. 

Image Source: @broken_isnt_bad

Image Source: @broken_isnt_bad

If someone is pushing your buttons, they might be pointing out something within yourself that needs healing and love. The Universe is continuously pouring out its love to you, and it can come to you through a warm fuzzy feeling. Love doesn't have to come from another person or thing.

In Reiki we learn that you're the conduit, that you're opening up your body to give healing energy to another person. It's the same thing with love, and you can give it to yourself day or night. 

Let's face it, judgement comes when someone sees their own inadequacies, fears, insecurities, whathaveyou reflected back to them. Most of the time it's not really about you. But words can still hurt, especially when they're picking at your wounds. 

That Universe love is something you can access anytime for any purpose. If you want to work on healing something, feel compassion, or remember that you're not alone, you can always take a moment to yourself and ask for what you need. It may not make a world-altering shift, but it can help you through a difficult moment.


Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

We Are Those Witches

How to Make Your Own Protection Salt

New Moon in Virgo Tarot Readings

Sunday, September 9, 2018 marks a new moon in the sign of Virgo. New moons are a time of new beginnings because the moon just finished its darkest period (the dark moon on Saturday, September 8) and is now building energy, which culminates on the full moon. In general, this is a great time for building, starting new things, growing something in your life, and manifesting. 

On top of that, the new moon is in Virgo, and the Sun is in Virgo. When we're in a particular season for an astrological sign, we can all feel the influence of that sign's qualities in one form or another—regardless of your particular sign. Virgo is an Earth sign, which means it is practical and methodical and has a steady pace—which can feel slow compared to the other signs. Virgos seek perfection in their lives and in everyone else, so they can be very critical of themselves and of other people in their lives. 

Combine all of that with the day of Sunday! It's often considered the first day of the week, which means you have a new beginning coupled with a new beginning. 

All of this new energy makes this a great time to set something in motion. What do you want to see building or growing in your life? Do you know what you want to focus on moving forward? 

If you need some help moving you along, I've created a tarot spread that helps answer some of these questions and give you some insight. Tarot spreads are a way of looking at questions along a theme, and the cards answer those specific questions. 

In the More/Less Spread, the questions are simple but can be very helpful:

What do you need to focus on more? Why or How?

What do you need to focus on less? Why or How?

What is something you can stop criticizing yourself about? 

This reading is $80, and can be done over phone or Zoom, or sent to you in a detailed email. You can pay via either Venmo or PayPal, and to book a reading, email me at

Saturn Retrograde

Now that the Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars retrogrades are over, it's difficult to ignore some of the other planets that are still retrograde (aka appearing from our perspective on Earth to be moving backward). 

The retrograde planet that's making itself known at this particular moment is Saturn. It went retrograde on April 17 and goes direct on September 6. For some of you, that may not be soon enough. Saturn governs structure, practicality, boundaries, authority, karma, responsibility, discipline, and ambition. When a planet is retrograde we can encounter the shadow side of all these influences. 

What does all that mean? If you've been hitting roadblocks at work or had setbacks trying to get your business off the ground, this influence could explain some of those obstacles. Authority figures may be more irksome than usual. The people around you might be pushing your buttons and/or testing their limits, making you at least consider enforcing boundaries. You might be feeling the weight of a responsibility more than usual. Or something may have happened that has forced you to step up to the plate—whether you wanted it or not. 

However this retrograde is affecting you, there are lessons and opportunities for you to set up healthy boundaries to protect yourself. Some of these issues will not last forever, but some may continue well past September 6th. 

Here's a question I pose to you: What can you live with? What can you not live with? If, for example, family members are acting out more than usual, is this your opportunity to change your dynamic, or do you want it to continue? Have the blocks for your business pointed out some things you want to change or details you know need to be ironed out? 

Once Saturn goes direct, there's an opportunity to learn from the experiences you've had during these retrogrades. How do you want to change your life for the better? What do you want to see improve? 

Other people will always have their quirks and foibles, and you can't change them. However, you have complete control over how you interact with them (and how often), how you respond, and how you choose to associate with them. 

Asserting boundaries and taking care of lingering issues are acts of self-care. 

It's not selfish. It's taking care of your mental health, which has a direct effect on your physical health. This has been an emotionally difficult summer, and the shadow influences of these planetary movements have affected us all in different ways. 

But as the planets continue to move out of these seemingly backward transits, you have opportunities to change and reset your present life for the future. 

When it comes to building stability in your life, having a job you truly enjoy, interacting with the main people in your life, deciding what subject you wish to study next, what responsibilities you really want to take on in your life, and how you react to or feel about certain authority figures, now is a great time to assess your true feelings and see what comes up. 

It might sound time consuming, but you're worth it. You owe it to yourself to lead a happy life with your energy spent on the things you truly care about. Life is too short to be spent focusing on the wrong things. You'll never look back and wish you spent more time stewing over a person who didn't matter in the grand scheme of things or a situation that could have been handled with an open and honest conversation. You deserve to be happy. 


A Lesson from the Retrogrades

With seven planets retrograde right now, including the infamous planet Mercury, it seems everyone has been atwitter about the effects they're feeling right now. 

But first of all, let's unpack what a retrograde is. When a planet goes retrograde, it means that from Earth it appears as if the other planet is moving backward. But in reality, it's not. 

The planets are moving just as they should in their regular orbits around the sun. Because of their seemingly backward momentum, the typical affects of these planets on our daily lives change. It doesn't, however, mean they are responsible for all of your problems. 

Image Source: @wildwoman_witchcraft on Instagram

Image Source: @wildwoman_witchcraft on Instagram

The retrogrades really come down to perspective. Sure, it looks like those planets are moving backward from our position on Earth. But from the Sun's perspective (or even an alien watching from above), every planet is moving exactly as it should within our solar system. 

So for one thing, yes, retrogrades can explain why your phone gave itself a factory reboot (ok, maybe this happened to me) after you held one button down a little too long. But it shouldn't be a scapegoat. 

Image Source: @adamtots on Instagram

Image Source: @adamtots on Instagram

As an empath who's been accused of being "too sensitive" her entire life, I understand that it doesn't take much to feel these planetary shifts because they can bring up a lot of complex feelings. What I've discovered is that you have to find a balance—allow yourself space for your feelings, and allow others the space for their feelings as well. 

Mars Retrograde has knocked some people for an emotional loop, and that planet doesn't go direct until August 27th. But instead of getting annoyed or angry or frustrated with people who are extra affected by this retrograde, change your perspective. Think about how the Sun would see this. 

Yes, it might appear as if a particular person is moving away from you or acting in strange ways you don't understand. But see the situation from beyond yourself. I believe The Universe doesn't make mistakes. This person is following their personal trajectory, just as you are following yours. These planetary shifts are shaking up everything right now, but everybody is on the right track for their personal path. 

Even if it's uncomfortable or awkward, they are on their path around the Sun, just as you are on yours. Their changes and backward movements will undoubtedly impact your life, but it's likely part of a shift that's necessary for your highest good. 

If you're feeling afraid of the changes going on around and within you, you can always have a chat with your spirit guides and angels. Ask them for protection, and ask that whatever happens in your life, that it be for your highest good and happens in a way that you can handle. 

All that being said, some of these retrogrades are coming to an end soon! Here's a handy guide telling when each planet will go direct (AKA look like it's moving the way it should). 


General Reading for August 2018

Hello my fellow lovelies! I recently pulled cards for a general reading for the next month or so ahead. I didn't ask for a time frame when I pulled the cards, but it felt like the influences will be affecting us all for about the next month. 

20180802_101725 (1).jpg

For this reading I used The Wild Unknown tarot deck.  If you'd like to follow along with the image above, I read the cards from top to bottom, left to right in each row. 

Of course, this reading comes with a disclaimer: this reading will not resonate with everyone. Also, I do use swear words in real life, and there are some in this reading. 

Seven of Wands: defensiveness, building

There's something going on that makes you feel defensive and challenged. Don't let these things get to you; do your best to rise above. Be the flame that lights up the dark. You know your true purpose, and it doesn't serve you to let other people distract you with their drama. You know what you have to do to see yourself succeed. Leave the haters to themselves. Give them a rest; you don't need them. 

Ten of Cups: emotional abundance

Let things get messy in love. It's like that scene in the Netflix series She's Gotta Have It when the main character, Nola Darling, tells her therapist that keeping her three lovers from meeting each other felt like putting out a lot of fires. Her therapist asks: What would have happened if you just let the fires burn? Later the character does just that, and sees for herself what could really happen. When it comes to your love life, what if things get messy? What's really the worst that could happen? Let people know how you feel; let people know that you love them. What's the worst that could happen?

Justice: find some balance in your life for yourself 

We all have dualistic or seemingly conflicting aspects within ourselves. Deep down, we just like different things. But you can find a balance in your life that suits you, even if it means engaging in a wide variety of activities or hobbies. This card is about keeping an external balance, managing your time, spending energy focusing on the things that nourish and sustain you—not those that deplete you. Keep your balance. You're going to need it. 

Reversed Knight of Swords: someone may not be completely honest 

If/when this happens, listen to the words they're using, what they're actually saying. Notice their body language. Are they blinking a lot? Do they seem uncomfortable? If so, why? Are they the type to rush into something blindly? Give yourself some time to consider what they're saying or proposing to you. Remember, you don't have to give anyone an answer right away—you can always ask for 24 hours or a few days to think it over. Trust your instincts. Use your knowledge of this person. 

The Hanged Man: time to think 

Whether it's to do  with the person mentioned above or something else entirely, you might need some time alone to think. You don't need to think too hard, but give yourself the space to deliberate until you've come to a decision that feels good in your gut. In other words, when you feel excited or your stomach stops churning or you feel like you can finally breathe. You'll know when it feels right because you'll finally feel better. 

The Hierophant: tradition reigns supreme 

I feel like this relates to issues many people are fighting at the moment, and the "traditional" values that are present both politically and socially. It may feel like this has come to a life or death situation. People are forgetting that all souls are part of a collective, and are too focused on small points that they believe are right but could be more harmful than helpful. What's really worth destroying lives over? What's really worth the potential conflict? Senators and governors are going to press hard for certain issues, and everyone will be feeling the pressure. It's going to come to blows. It's not going to be pretty. It's going to get nasty. 

Four of Swords: take a damn break already 

After all the fucking heat of summer, early September will give us all a much-needed chance to rest. Take a breath. Find some calm. Lay in the shade. Take some more deep breaths. You need a break. Even if it's just in between the moments of your daily life, do your best to find some internal peace. You need it. 

King of Cups: annihilate that ego

If you identify as male, or if your'e anyone with some amount of masculine energy (so therefore everyone), you may feel a need to come into your emotional center. Life hasn't been easy lately. Mars Retrograde in particular has thrown everything out of whack, but trying to assert your dominance will not make you feel better. Know that you're stronger than that. You don't have to be afraid of being weak. Crying or asserting your emotions does not make you weak. In fact, it makes you strong. And if you can keep your composure while expressing what you want, heads will turn. People will be impressed. 

Four of Wands: getting some stability 

You're coming into the eye of the storm, and things will be more comfortable here for a minute. Take a look around. Who is still beside you, catching their breath, ready to take on the next challenge? Who ran away screaming into the night? What elements, people, places, pets, whatever, are still around you? Where would you like to be? You have a chance now to clear away some of the debris in your life, to clear out what's no longer serving you. What do you want to hold onto the most? What do you want to let go of? Right now don't just brace yourself for the worst. Yes, you're in the middle of a fucking hurricane. And it fucking hurts and it fucking sucks, but you can still take a second and appreciate every single good thing that's surrounding you—the people and places you love and the qualities about yourself that make you you. Be grateful. Practice that gratitude. No matter how rough things get, just remember: this is not the end. A new beginning is coming your way. 

There you have it! Please share your thoughts in the comments below—I'd love to know if any of the messages resonate with you. If you'd like to schedule a reading, you can always email me at 

We Are Those Witches

The recent one-year anniversary of the women's march, and the memes and sayings that have been included with it have reminded me of a commonly used phrase: "We are the granddaughters of the witches you could not burn." 

I think what we're seeing on a national and individual scale actually goes much deeper than that. I've done past life regressions and had experiences, whether in reiki sessions, sound baths, or while doing breath work that have shown me glimpses of previous lives when I was a witch.

I've seen one life when I was chained up by my wrists in a dungeon where I was tortured.  While doing breath work as part of my reiki two training, I came back to this life to do some healing on this experience. I was then transported further back in time to another life, where I lived alone in the woods in a cabin I built with my own hands. Looking at the cabin and the feelings it stirred in me, I knew I lived there a long time and saw hardly anyone. But at the time, it was the only way I could be safe. 

One reiki healer saw a life where I was hung in a village surrounded by woods for being a witch. I was told by another reiki healer that I was being held and tortured in the Vatican for being a witch, and that my eyes were gouged out while I screamed and swore like sailor. 

I believe that we are the incarnations of witches, warriors, shamans, healers, medicine women, and—lest we forget—the midwives who were tortured, beaten, and ultimately murdered.


Our current state of affairs is reminding us who we are and the true power that dwells within us. It may have been beaten back over the centuries by social conditioning, a forced patriarchy intertwined with religion, and actual physical violence, but it has never diminished. 

For me, there is a difference between being the granddaughters of witches and being the reincarnations of witches because it reminds us of our true power. There is a deep well of knowledge, courage, and strength within each of us. 

Have you ever been a natural at a certain skill? Is there something you've ever begun to do and you realized you took to it quite easily? I believe past lives inform our everyday experiences far more often than we realize. 

I may be the descendant of a witch who went unnoticed and survived the witch trials, but from what I've studied of my family history, that would go back further generations than I am able to count. My own memories, however, lie much closer to the surface. I can see these lives and experiences as if they part of my past from this life. 

For me, this realization feels intimidating at first but also empowering. At the time, we had to keep ourselves and our abilities hidden, and if we did not succeed, or if someone merely had a a target on our back, we paid with our bodies and our lives. 

Even though we find ourselves in a tumultuous time, I think taking back that strength and inner knowing, reclaiming that brutalized past and personal experience helps us realize our own abilities. 

Because of what I've seen and experienced again, I have been able to reconnect to a part of myself. That connection is still growing, but I'm also able to compare those time periods to this one. 

We are in a much safer time now. We are able to #WaketheWitches, as author Lisa Lister would say, and blaze a new path forward for ourselves. We can move beyond the pains of the past and remember our own matriarchal societies. We can forge new societies, new companies, and new mindsets about the role of women in this world.

We have the ability to do for ourselves what we were never able to do before. 


Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

Overcoming Judgement With Self Love

How to Make Your Own Protection Salt

What Are You Grateful For This Year?


What are you grateful for this year? 

Are you grateful for your family? For those who have stood by and supported you, cheered you on and rooted for you no matter what? Are you grateful for a fulfilling career and pursuing something you love? Are you grateful for your innate gifts or learned skill and your ability to use it? Are you grateful that you can be yourself, your true, unfiltered, unabashed, awesome self? Are you grateful that something painful is now out of your life? Are you grateful that you were able to leave a situation behind that was unhealthy or no longer served you? 

Gratitude is something wonderful to practice anytime, not just around Thanksgiving. Whenever things get tough or stressful or aggravating, it's always helpful to make a gratitude list. You can write it out or even make one in your mind, but it helps elevate your mood and raises your vibration. When I started making gratitude lists, I had recently ended a long term relationship that had turned violent. I was being gaslighted and got angry as more and more levels of lying were peeled back from that relationship. Each time I made a gratitude list, I started with very specific things so I could make the list as long as possible. After a while, it got easier, and more and more things began to come into my head while I was making the list. 

Spending time with family around the holidays can also be difficult, especially if you feel like you aren't measuring up to someone else's expectations. But before you sit down to the dinner table, take some time to yourself to think about how far you've come. The last two years alone have been tough for a lot of people, and with Scorpio's presence in Jupiter and the New Moon lately, you've probably had some revelations come to light. Even if you've realized that you want a new job or feel nervous about starting something new, take a moment to acknowledge that you know what you want. 

No matter how small they may seem, acknowledge the accomplishments you've made in the last couple years, or even the last six months.Take a look around you and notice what you feel grateful for. If it's someone living, you can always thank them for their role in your life. Even if it's someone who hurt you, you can acknowledge how much they taught you about yourself.  

And if nothing else, when someone asks you what you're grateful for this year, remember that we are all drops in the same ocean. At times we can feel separated and distant from one another, but we are far more connected than any of us realize. You are not alone in this big sea. At any given moment, you've got a million other drops around you who are there to help you, act as a shoulder to cry on, give you a leg up, or make you laugh. That's always a wonderful reason to feel grateful.