For this reading I used The Wild Unknown tarot deck. If you'd like to follow along with the image above, I read the cards from top to bottom, left to right in each row.
Of course, this reading comes with a disclaimer: this reading will not resonate with everyone. Also, I do use swear words in real life, and there are some in this reading.
Seven of Wands: defensiveness, building
There's something going on that makes you feel defensive and challenged. Don't let these things get to you; do your best to rise above. Be the flame that lights up the dark. You know your true purpose, and it doesn't serve you to let other people distract you with their drama. You know what you have to do to see yourself succeed. Leave the haters to themselves. Give them a rest; you don't need them.
Ten of Cups: emotional abundance
Let things get messy in love. It's like that scene in the Netflix series She's Gotta Have It when the main character, Nola Darling, tells her therapist that keeping her three lovers from meeting each other felt like putting out a lot of fires. Her therapist asks: What would have happened if you just let the fires burn? Later the character does just that, and sees for herself what could really happen. When it comes to your love life, what if things get messy? What's really the worst that could happen? Let people know how you feel; let people know that you love them. What's the worst that could happen?
Justice: find some balance in your life for yourself
We all have dualistic or seemingly conflicting aspects within ourselves. Deep down, we just like different things. But you can find a balance in your life that suits you, even if it means engaging in a wide variety of activities or hobbies. This card is about keeping an external balance, managing your time, spending energy focusing on the things that nourish and sustain you—not those that deplete you. Keep your balance. You're going to need it.
Reversed Knight of Swords: someone may not be completely honest
If/when this happens, listen to the words they're using, what they're actually saying. Notice their body language. Are they blinking a lot? Do they seem uncomfortable? If so, why? Are they the type to rush into something blindly? Give yourself some time to consider what they're saying or proposing to you. Remember, you don't have to give anyone an answer right away—you can always ask for 24 hours or a few days to think it over. Trust your instincts. Use your knowledge of this person.
The Hanged Man: time to think
Whether it's to do with the person mentioned above or something else entirely, you might need some time alone to think. You don't need to think too hard, but give yourself the space to deliberate until you've come to a decision that feels good in your gut. In other words, when you feel excited or your stomach stops churning or you feel like you can finally breathe. You'll know when it feels right because you'll finally feel better.
The Hierophant: tradition reigns supreme
I feel like this relates to issues many people are fighting at the moment, and the "traditional" values that are present both politically and socially. It may feel like this has come to a life or death situation. People are forgetting that all souls are part of a collective, and are too focused on small points that they believe are right but could be more harmful than helpful. What's really worth destroying lives over? What's really worth the potential conflict? Senators and governors are going to press hard for certain issues, and everyone will be feeling the pressure. It's going to come to blows. It's not going to be pretty. It's going to get nasty.
Four of Swords: take a damn break already
After all the fucking heat of summer, early September will give us all a much-needed chance to rest. Take a breath. Find some calm. Lay in the shade. Take some more deep breaths. You need a break. Even if it's just in between the moments of your daily life, do your best to find some internal peace. You need it.
King of Cups: annihilate that ego
If you identify as male, or if your'e anyone with some amount of masculine energy (so therefore everyone), you may feel a need to come into your emotional center. Life hasn't been easy lately. Mars Retrograde in particular has thrown everything out of whack, but trying to assert your dominance will not make you feel better. Know that you're stronger than that. You don't have to be afraid of being weak. Crying or asserting your emotions does not make you weak. In fact, it makes you strong. And if you can keep your composure while expressing what you want, heads will turn. People will be impressed.
Four of Wands: getting some stability
You're coming into the eye of the storm, and things will be more comfortable here for a minute. Take a look around. Who is still beside you, catching their breath, ready to take on the next challenge? Who ran away screaming into the night? What elements, people, places, pets, whatever, are still around you? Where would you like to be? You have a chance now to clear away some of the debris in your life, to clear out what's no longer serving you. What do you want to hold onto the most? What do you want to let go of? Right now don't just brace yourself for the worst. Yes, you're in the middle of a fucking hurricane. And it fucking hurts and it fucking sucks, but you can still take a second and appreciate every single good thing that's surrounding you—the people and places you love and the qualities about yourself that make you you. Be grateful. Practice that gratitude. No matter how rough things get, just remember: this is not the end. A new beginning is coming your way.
There you have it! Please share your thoughts in the comments below—I'd love to know if any of the messages resonate with you. If you'd like to schedule a reading, you can always email me at