Tarot Readings

Let's Reveal Some Secrets

Happy New Moon in Pisces! How are you feeling this month? There’s a lot going on in the month of March, and we’re starting it in the middle of Pisces season. On Thursday, March 7th, we have a New Moon in Pisces as the first slivers of sunlight are being reflected off of the moon.


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it contains aspects of every other sign within it. This can feel like a lot of energy, and sometimes that can be confusing. It’s also a water sign, meaning it connects to our emotions and can make us feel things we would rather not feel.

Pisces also rules over secrets. Think of what’s submerged in the depths of the ocean—crashed pirate ships, buried treasure, deep trenches, coral reefs, and sea creatures stories have been written about. Pisces season is a great time to tap into our subconscious, the thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and experiences we might prefer to ignore. This is not necessarily for the faint of heart—swimming into your own depths can take courage, strength, and stamina.

As the last season in this zodiac cycle, there’s an opportunity to wrap up and finish old patterns in our lives. We’re approaching the Vernal Equinox, which gives us an opportunity to find balance between the sun and moon, day and night, light and dark, within our own lives (more on that later).

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New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading

For this New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading, let’s explore aspects of your subconscious or waking life. What’s something you want to know more about? Is there a situation in your life where you feel people are keeping secrets from you? What’s an aspect of yourself you’re thinking of exploring? Do you keep having a recurring dream that you’re trying to make sense of?

This reading is being offered around the time of the New Moon because this lunar aspect is an ideal time for new beginnings. It’s an opportunity to set your intentions for where you want to go in the future, and once you have more information at your disposal, it can clarify exactly where you want to direct your energy.

Also, Pisces season ends on March 20, leading us into Aries season and a new zodiac cycle. Aries energy is the warrior and leader; it knows where it wants to go and is happy to lead the charge to get there. As a fire sign it wants action, and it wants to use its masculine energy to light the way forward.

Once secrets are revealed, you have time to consider what that means for you, and what you want to change (if anything) moving forward.

The New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading answers the following questions:

What needs to be revealed?

How does this information benefit you?

Knowing this information, what’s the next best step for you to take?

When booking this reading, you can specify if you want something revealed from your subconscious or from your everyday waking life. But you certainly don’t have to—in the individual reading we can see what comes up, which is often what your spirit guides want you to know in that moment. This reading is $70, and can be prepaid for distance sessions or paid upon completion for in-person sessions.

To book, email kajoralovely@gmail.com. If you are interested in a distance reading, you can prepay to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. In your email, you can include where the secrets are that you would like to be revealed. You can also not specify and simply request a reading—the choice is yours.


March Tarot Readings for All Signs

The Hanged Man Tarot Reading

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

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The Hanged Man Tarot Reading

In tarot readings, The Hanged Man card typically appears when the person getting the reading (the Seeker) is stuck in a position for a period of time. This isn’t a card about being trapped—there are other tarot cards that relate to that—this is about being in a place that isn’t great, but also isn’t terrible, and not being able to do much to move.

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Typically when this happens, we’re meant to see the situation around us from multiple angles. Trying to force your way to move out of this situation often doesn’t work, which can just leave you feeling frustrated. There’s a lesson that needs to be learned before you can move on, and since you’re hanging out anyway, there isn’t much else you can do at the moment.

At one point in my life, I kept getting The Hanged Man in my tarot readings, and when I meditated, I would often see myself like he is, hanging from one foot. Using this visualization, or doing yoga inversions, hanging upside down, can also help you to literally see things from another angle and bring that into your daily life.

If your present situation feels similar to that of The Hanged Man, I’m currently offering a tarot reading that can help.

The Hanged Man Tarot Reading

This tarot reading can be particularly helpful at this time, when we want to move things forward in lives and tap into Pisces’ expansive energy, but also use the practical Virgo Full Moon to determine exactly where to place our energy.

For The Hanged Man Tarot Reading, I pull cards separately for each individual to answer the following questions:

Why are you in this position?

What are you meant to learn?

What needs to be released?

This reading costs $70, and can be done over Zoom, on the phone, or sent in a detailed email. You can prepay on Venmo to Kajora-Lovely. If you’re interested, simply email kajoralovely@gmail.com to book your reading.


What’s Your Relationship with Abundance? Tarot Reading

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

What’s Blocking Love? Tarot Reading


New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading

On Tuesday, February 5, there’s a New Moon in Aquarius. This isn’t exactly a normal New Moon because it also coincides with the celebration of Chinese New Year.

The New Moon’s Energy

Monday February 4 is the Dark Moon, the last phase of the previous moon cycle when zero sunlight shines upon the moon. This is often confused with the New Moon, but it is a day for introspection and doing internal work. It’s a great time to curl up at home and read, take a bath, or even just rest.

The New Moon is marked by the first sliver of light on the moon, and it’s an opportunity to set intentions for the future.

The Sign of Aquarius

This New Moon is in the Air sign of Aquarius, symbolized by the Water Bearer and linked to the planet of Uranus. When we are in an astrological season, we can personally feel affected by that sign’s attributes, and the New Moon is a great opportunity to take advantage of those.

Every sign has various aspects to it that can be considered positive and negative or good and bad. The attributes associated with Aquarius include being independent, intellectual, humanitarian, creative, stubborn, detached, seeking the truth, hot headed, rebellious, aloof, and loyal. There can be difficulty being emotionally open but generally well-liked by a fair amount of people. As with all Air signs, Aquarius is often in their head, considering possibilities and sometimes focusing too much on anxiety.

No matter your sign, it’s important to not let your thoughts get too carried away and to come back into your body. Dwelling in the Air element can mean feeling like you’re up in the clouds, which can feel good, but you’re also detached from the real world. This can be tricky because you can get lost in hypothetical situations or thoughts, and not creating a plan of action or taking actual steps to conquer a situation.

However, there’s also an ability to use this to your advantage in problem solving. It’s about balance—knowing when to strategize and think, and then when to put those thoughts into a plan of action. Using the creative, rebellious, and intellectual aspects of Aquarius can also help you find unique solutions to long-standing issues or problems.

New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading

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The New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading is meant to help you approach life in a different way, using the Moon’s increasing energy as well as the creative aspects of this Air sign. The custom New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading can be sent to your email and answers the following questions:

Where do you need to be more creative?

How you can focus that creative energy

What is a distraction you need to avoid?

Something to keep in mind at this time

The New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading is $90, and can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email Kajora Lovely at kajoralovely@gmail.com.


Imbolc: Meaning, Traditions & a Tarot Reading

February Tarot Readings

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

Imbolc: Meaning, Traditions & A Tarot Reading

Blessed Imbolc! This is one of my favorite European pagan holidays, since it provides optimism and joy during the midpoint of winter.

Keep reading to learn more about the holiday of Imbolc, how and why it’s celebrated, and the Imbolc tarot reading I’m offering right now!

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Occurring six weeks after the Winter Solstice (Yule) and six weeks before the Vernal Equinox (Ostara), Imbolc is the celebration of new beginnings. It takes place on February 1 & 2 in the Northern Hemisphere and November 1 & 2 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Imbolc marks the period of time when the days are getting longer and the hours of sunlight are increasing. Life is beginning to stir within the earth, buds are beginning to pop up through snow, and lambs are beginning to give birth.

As this happens in nature, so does it also happen within ourselves. Just as with plants, we also need water, food, sunlight, and a solid foundation from which we can grow.


The colors associated with Imbolc include Yellow, White, Green, Red, Pink, and Light Blue. These are softer than the deep reds, greens, and oranges of the Winter Solstice, but more nature-based than the pastels of the Vernal Equinox.


While there are rituals you can follow, you can also do anything that helps bring more light into your life, gets your creative fires going, and helps you slowly begin to grow toward your goals.

Candles are the traditional way to celebrate Imbolc as a celebration of the sun’s growing strength and eventual return. At sunset, you can also turn on the lights in every room in your home or light a candle in each room for a period of time.

If you are planting seeds, especially to grow food, this is a great time to bless them for the upcoming planting and harvest seasons.


The foods commonly eaten at Imbolc are what was available at this time of year, such as dairy products, fish, preserved meats, root vegetables, and grains. Other foods you can eat this time of year are blackberries, bacon, bread, fish, spring greens, root vegetables, oatcakes, and Brighid Cakes. Spicy foods are also eaten at this time, as they represent the sun’s energy and help to celebrate its growth each day.

To make a special Imbolc meal, you can cook with with seasonal vegetables, dairy products, meat, or fish, and set your table with candles, flowers, and the colors of Imbolc. Everyone can reflect and share what they are looking forward to in the coming months or things they are working toward in their lives.


The plants associated with Imbolc include Alder, Alfalfa, Benzoin, Birch, Bistort, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Crocus, Dandelion, Elm, Fir, Ginger, Hop, Lily, Mugwort, Periwinkle, Rowan, Snowdrop, Willow, Woad, and Wormwood.

Oatcakes Recipe

Also known as bannock, oatcakes are commonly eaten in Scotland and other parts of Britain. I adapted this recipe from The Hearth Witch’s Compendium: Magical and Natural Living for Every Day by Anna Franklin (which I highly recommend, by the way). I prefer this with some maple syrup to add a little sweetness and flavor, but feel free to experiment with other ingredients of your choosing.

1 cup oatmeal         

 ¼ teaspoon baking soda

Pinch of salt             

1 teaspoon melted butter

Hot water                  

Optional: 1 teaspoon maple syrup

Mix oatmeal, baking soda, and salt. Combine with butter, maple syrup if using, and enough hot water to make a soft dough. Combine ingredients until it forms a ball and transfer to a greased baking sheet or cast iron skillet and spread mixture thinly. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes or until the edges curl. Serve with butter and jam.


The crystals associated with Imbolc include Amethyst, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Garnet, Moonstone, Onyx, Ruby, and Turquoise. Imbolc occurs during the astrological season of Aquarius, and the crystals Amethyst and Garnet also correlate to the sign of Aquarius.

Depiction of the goddess Brighid by artist Helen Mask

Depiction of the goddess Brighid by artist Helen Mask


The Celtic Goddess Brighid is central to the celebration of Imbolc. February 1 is known as her feast day, or the day to create altars and celebratory meals in her honor. Brighid is known for having fiery red hair and is associated with the elements of fire and water. The number associated with her is 9, or 3+3+3.

Brighid is the goddess of transformation, creation, midwifery, blacksmiths, and invention. She oversees poetry, music, healing, birth, prophecy, artisans, livestock, artists, and smithcraft.

Her favored people are midwives, poets, snake charmers, blacksmiths, writers, and healers. She helps aid transformation and the creation of life, healing, art, and metal.

Kildare, Ireland was once known as Brighid’s City, and it once held her eternal flame and healing well inside a temple. Brighid was associated with many healing wells in the British Isles, but her temple in Kildare was later turned into a convent where the nuns tended to her flame.

Brighid was so loved that she was later adapted into Saint Brigid, and Imbolc became the Christian holidays of St. Brigit’s Day on February 1 (still making it her feast day) and Candlemas on February 2. Brighid also became Madame Brigitte in Vodou tradition as Irish and Scottish indentured servants were relocated to the Caribbean.

Other Names

There are many variations for spelling her name, as well as other monikers she goes by, and these include Bride, Brigid, St. Brigit, Fiery Arrow, The Bright One, Lady of the Shores, The Ashless Flame, and Moon Crowned Queen of the Undying Flame.

Brighid’s Cross

Her symbol is known as Brighid’s Cross, which is a fire wheel symbol that is traditionally handwoven with rushes or straw. It can be used to represent Brighid, and is also used as a symbol for protection.

Feast Day

If you would like to work with Brighid or petition her help, you can build her an altar with food, flowers, coins, and crystals, or offer her a meal. Her favorite foods are blackberries, ale, and eggs. You can offer creative works such as songs or poetry or light candles, and also make Brighid Cakes.

Brighid’s Animals

Her animals were a white bull and a white cow with red ears, and she is also associated with Horses, Wolves, Pigs, Snakes, Swans, and Vultures.


The plants associated with Brighid include Birch, Bistort, Blackberry, Dandelion, Flax, Hop, Oak, Rowan, Snowdrop, and Willow.

Brighid Cakes

Also adapted from The Hearth Witch’s Compendium, I altered this recipe to make it savory instead of sweet. You can also add other ingredients, such as lemon zest or herbs, if you like. This is a very easy bread recipe that does not require yeast, and is good to eat with generous amounts of butter.

3 ½ cups all-purpose flour

A pinch of salt

1 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp baking soda

4 ounces butter or margarine, softened

1 ¾ cups milk

Combine flour, salt, cream of tartar, butter, and baking soda in a bowl. Add the milk and knead into a dough. Place in a greased 7-inch tin and bake at 400°F  for 60 minutes. Then turn the temperature to 350°F and bake for another 30 minutes. Cut into quarters and serve with butter.


As Imbolc is the time of year when life begins to stir and the first buds begin to sprout, it’s a chance to look at what is growing in our own lives. Winter is a time when we typically want to hermit indoors, and spend time focusing inward and feeling comfortable.

But as the sun’s strength grows and life begins to stir, we can look forward to what’s ahead. Ostara, or the Vernal Equinox, takes place six weeks from now on March 21. This is when spring has officially begun, and we celebrate life with eggs and bunnies—symbols of fertility and procreation. What do you want to create by the Vernal Equinox?

The Imbolc Tarot Reading answers these questions:

What is stirring and awakening inside you?

What is something you’re meant to nourish in your life?

What will grow in your near future?

This reading is 30 minutes long and includes a combination of channeled messages and tarot cards. The reading can be sent to you in a detailed email, and costs $70, which can be paid through Venmo or PayPal. To book your reading, simply email Kajora Lovely at kajoralovely@gmail.com.


Ostara: The Celebration of Spring

All About Beltane, the Festival of Fertility

7 Ways to Celebrate Litha, the Summer Solstice

Lughnasadh: History & Traditions of the First Harvest

Imbolc — Kajora Lovely

New Moon in Capricorn

New Year, New Moon! How are you feeling at the moment? After the astrological events of the summer, retrogrades of the fall, and the holidays around the time of the Winter Solstice, there’s been a lot going on. Now we’re starting 2019 with some events back to back, ending with the New Moon in Capricorn. We’ll be in Capricorn season until January 19th, and starting the new year under this aspect gives us the discipline and determination to move things forward in our lives.

If you’d like to skip to the New Moon in Capricorn reading, feel free to scroll to the end.

Saturday: Dark Moon & Solar Eclipse

On Saturday January 5th, it’s the Dark Moon—the day when there is zero light upon the Moon. This time is meant for releasing, doing internal work within the darker aspects of ourselves, banishing, and dark magick. Saturday is the last day of the week, making it a great time to do cleaning of all sorts.

This is a great time to release anything you want to leave behind in 2018.

One way to release is to write down everything you want to let go of: fears, negative thoughts or patterns, self-doubt, mindsets of scarcity, anxieties, worries, negative self-talk, concerns about the future. In this case, you can be as specific or as vague as you like. For example, you can write something like “I release any and all concerns about my future.” Write these down on paper and then, in a safe place, set them on fire. You can burn them in a fireplace, in an outdoor fire pit, or even over a fireproof bowl away from other flammable materials. Once they are burned up, take a deep sigh and know that they are no longer in your life.

If you have a bathtub at home, you can also do something similar with bath salts. You can either say aloud or imagine all of the things you want to release. You can write them down as described above and say them out loud or read them to yourself. Imagine all of those feelings, thoughts, etc leeching out of your body and going into the water. When you’re done, rinse yourself off to get rid of any last residue.

The idea is to release any thoughts or feelings that do not serve you moving forward. Whatever your purpose, whatever you want to manifest or make room for in your life, let those go so that there is space in your body, mind, and energy field to make those things possible.

Sunday: New Moon & Uranus Goes Direct

Sunday is the first of the day of the week, which is always a great time for the first phase of the waxing moon. The planet Uranus also goes direct in Aries on January 6th, and these three elements combined will help create a lot of forward momentum in all our lives. This is a very powerful day for writing down manifestions and intentions for the future.

(By the way, if you weren’t able to release on Saturday, you can also do this on Sunday. It’s all about intention, so make it very clear to yourself and to The Universe that you do NOT want these things in your life moving forward.)

When you write down intentions and manifestations, one way is to write in the present tense—as if what you want already exists in your life. You can start with the phrase “I am so happy now that…”

If that doesn’t jive with you, find the wording that feels comfortable. It honestly doesn’t matter what works for anyone else. We are all different, and you’re telling The Universe what you want for yourself. It’s important to speak your true language.

The main idea is to be as detailed as you want. Dream as big as you possibly can. This is not the time to believe in a limited version of yourself or a limited version of your future.

We’ve been going through so many damn changes since 2012. You’ve gone through who knows how many waves of healing and learning lessons over the last few years. 2018 might have shaken you to your core and revealed some very important details to you. Use those lessons, those experiences, those epiphanies, and then shoot beyond the Moon and into the stars. What is it that you truly, truly want?

If it helps, you can meditate sitting up or lying down (whichever you prefer) and begin to visualize the details of the life you want to have in six months, a year, two years, ten years—whenever you want to plan for. Imagine what it’s like getting up, starting your day, interacting with the people in your home. Notice the colors, plants, decor, and food. Where do you work? What do you do? How do you feel throughout the day? How do you end the day? Do you have dinner with friends or come home to have a meal with your roommates or family or spouse? How do you interact with your coworkers and the people you love? How often do you travel?

You can adapt these ideas to whatever goal you have, but the idea is to make sure it’s a life you want to lead. We each have our own innate talents, ideas, abilities, and goals. How do you want to make the best use of your skills and put them into the world? What does satisfaction feel like to you? Even if your dream life sounds simple in theory, the idea is to ask for what you want in the best case scenario.

Once you tell The Universe what you want, it will do everything it can to bring it to you. This can happen with either positive intentions or negative intentions.

New Moon in Capricorn Reading

For those of you who need a little help or want to make sure your bases are covered, I’m offering a New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading. As an Earth sign, Capricorn energy is disciplined and thorough, and the energy of this New Moon can help you move things forward in your life from 2019 onward.

This reading can be helpful if you:

  • Don’t know where to start when it comes to releases or setting intentions

  • Know what you want to release and manifest, but want to make sure you’re not missing something

  • Fall somewhere in between

For this particular reading, we will either speak first on the phone, or you can email me. Either way, you can tell me about what you want to let go of and what you want to bring into your life. This is confidential and will not be shared.

The idea is to help you speak about where you are presently and think about the thoughts or patterns that no longer serve you and what you really want for your life. I will pull tarot cards on both and see what messages come up, along with the messages of the cards themselves. These can validate what you’re already feeling or point out something you might not have considered. They may even flesh out an idea you were beginning to explore.

Then I will pull a last card about something for you to consider this year. This could relate directly to your releases and manifestation, or it could be a different message entirely. Every reading varies from person to person, and the idea is that it’s a specific message that is meant to help you on your own unique journey.

This reading is $70, and can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. If you’re interested in getting a reading for the New Moon in Capricorn, email kajoralovely@gmail.com.

If you have any questions or thoughts about releasing and intention setting, please let me know in the comments below! If you have any personal questions, feel free to email me at kajoralovely@gmail.com.

Happy New Moon!


Your Theme for 2019

January 2019 Tarot Readings

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

Your Theme for 2019

It’s a new year, and with that shift you might be having positive or negative feelings about the future and what’s coming in your life in 2019. To help you prepare for whatever it is that lies ahead for you, I’m offering a personal theme of the year reading.

In this reading I pull three tarot cards and email you the details of what the cards mean and the messages I receive with them. Sometimes these can be challenges, good news, opportunities, or themes that you might encounter in various ways throughout the year. This reading costs $30, can be emailed to your inbox for easy reference throughout the year, and can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo.

I’ve also done a reading where I pull one card for each astrological sign for the year ahead. You can catch that video below. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel here and check out the reading for your sign for January 2019.

The Winter Solstice

Celebrating the Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) is a tradition from pretty much every culture, tradition, and continent around the world. The Winter Solstices takes place in the Northern Hemisphere from December 20-23 and in the Southern Hemisphere from June 20-23. This event marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, and celebrates the sun’s growing strength and the eventual return of spring and summer.

In European tradition, it was customary to decorate the home with symbols of life, light, and abundance. People would bring plants into their homes that would bloom or remain green during the coldest months of winter, such as fir trees, evergreens, holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias. These would be a reminder of the green that is to come in the spring and summer, and that life prevails—even during the darkest time of the year. Candles were lit to symbolize light and its eventual return, and presents were handed out as symbols of abundance.

Wreaths have become very common decorations today, and symbolize the pagan Wheel of the Year. The Wheel of the Year has no beginning and no end, but reminds us of the cycles of life that exist with the changing of the seasons.

The main focus of this holiday, as it is with nearly every other pagan holiday, is the sun. The solstices mark the longest and shortest days of sunlight, and the equinoxes mark the even points of daylight and nighttime in between. The sun helps plants grow, gives humans nutrients such as Vitamin D, and sustains all life as we know it.

In the winter time, the Sun hangs low in the sky and has its weakest amount of energy. Even though the coldest months are often yet to come after the Winter Solstice, the sun continues to gain its strength.

Following this theme of life and rebirth, this can be a great time to do some pre-spring cleaning (winter cleaning?). This solstice marks a fresh start and new beginnings to come, so cleaning space, donating or throwing away items you no longer use, and reorganizing spaces, can help prepare you for what comes next. Even though this may seem like cosmetic changes, moving energy around can feel invigorating. This can make a difference, since the winter season can make one feel lethargic and the embodiment of The Hermit tarot card: wanting to hole up at home alone.

Recently I realized why Christmas movies often come across as so cheesy: they bring messages of hope. It’s something that we all keep close to us, in one way or another, at this time of year. Winter can bring seasonal depression, working on internal issues, thinking about family or lack thereof, and thinking about romantic relationships or lack thereof.

This is a time of year where we want to feel loved and supported, to know we have special people in our lives who make us feel good and remind us that even when it’s dark and cold outside, we still have a warm hearth where we can rest and feel that supportive love around us.

That’s one reason why so many Christmas movies are about love and relationships—we want to believe in love that lasts, that sustains us, that gives us endorphins and adrenaline. We have hope that just like the sun’s growing strength, things will get better in the new year, and the areas of our life that seem lacking will become whole or reach the expectations we have of them.

If you feel this way, you can do a grounding meditation and imagine running roots deep into the Earth, where you release any and all negative feelings you may be having. Then, you can follow the time-honored tradition (if you like) of lighting candles and stating your hopes (intentions) for the year ahead.

If you need some guidance, I’m offering a Winter Solstice Tarot Reading that answers the following questions:

What is something lurking in the darkness that needs to be addressed?

How can you bring more light and hope into your life?

What is something you can look forward to in the coming year?

This tarot reading is $70, and your custom reading can be emailed straight to your inbox. Simply email me at kajoralovely@gmail.com, and prepay on Venmo to @Kajora-Lovely.


Imbolc: Meanings, Tradition & A Tarot Reading

Ostara: The Celebration of Spring

Autumn Equinox: Balance at the Second Harvest


Year Ahead Tarot Reading

With a new year around the corner, this is a great time to do a Year Ahead Tarot Reading. In this reading, three cards are pulled to represent the theme of the year ahead, and then three cards are pulled for each month.

Year Ahead Tarot Readings are sent via email, and will include a paragraph for each month, along with the theme of the year. Any channeled messages that come during the reading will be included in the email. With the reading in email form, you will be able to refer back to the reading as you like over the coming year.


This is a reading you can do either on or before the new year, or around your birthday. This can be New Year’s Eve as we celebrate it on the Gregorian Calendar, Chinese New Year, Nowruz (Persian New Year), or any period of time that marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Birthdays are also a great time for this as they mark an end and a beginning to our personal new year.

However the timing resonates, the Year Ahead Tarot Reading gives insight into what could come up in the months ahead. As with any tarot reading, sometimes knowing the details in advance can change the outcome, which can sometimes be for the better. Potential conflicts can come up, or even successes, which can give a sense of the events that precipitated it.

To book a Year Ahead Tarot Reading for yourself or someone else, contact Kajora Lovely at kajoralovely@gmail.com. This reading is $300 and can be paid via Venmo or PayPal, or you can purchase a gift certificate for someone else by prepaying through Venmo to @Kajora-Lovely. Simply email kajoralovely@gmail.com to confirm.


Tarot & Reiki Gift Certificates

Tarot Readings You Can Book with Kajora Lovely

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

New Moon in Sagittarius

It’s the last New Moon of 2018, and it’s in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Ruled by the planet Jupiter and symbolized by the Archer, Sagittarius is a fire sign that can be impulsive, passionate, expansive, generous, happy, and honest.

As a fire sign, Sagittarius energy likes action, ideas, and momentum, and that expansive energy means it wants to try new things or embark on new adventures. However, in that enthusiasm these signs can double book themselves or get a little overzealous in their commitments.

So how to use that energy to your benefit? We’re nearing the end of one year and the start of another, and we’re being called to end toxic situations and relationships and focus on what we want to build moving forward.

Sagittarius energy is very much about feelings—what does your gut tell you it wants to do? What feels right to you? Then, of that goal or idea, what can you realistically accomplish? This is when it helps to set parameters for yourself and be honest about how much time, energy, and effort your idea or adventure will need.

While every year calls for its own culling of the old in order to make way for the new (at least energetically or emotionally), in 2018 it feels no different. In my video tarot readings for each sign for this month, some messages were about getting out of toxic relationships while others were about figuring out who in your life you’d give life & limb for and realizing they’re the ones to carry with you into the new year.

It feels as though we’re on the brink of some major changes in the next few years, and so releasing old energy can make a huge difference in preparing for what’s to come. In a way, it seems to be figuring out where you really want to be, who you want to have around you, and how you want to spend your time, energy, and money. These are not always easy questions to answer, but let’s start at the beginning with the New Moon.

As the last New Moon of the year, it’s the last time to set intentions in this specific cycle. Harnessing that expansive, excited, adventurous energy of Sagittarius, what gets your internal fires going? What makes you want to overcommit to some exciting ventures, ideas, or partnerships?

In honor of this New Moon in Sagittarius, I’m offering a reading that answers the following questions:

What’s something you should be optimistic about?

What’s a risk you should take or an adventure you should consider at this time?

Where should you direct your energy moving forward?

Your custom reading can be emailed to you, and it costs $70 per person. Payments are made to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo, and if you’d like to book your reading, email kajoralovely@gmail.com

Embracing The Tower Card

There are some tarot cards often deemed “scary,” and The Tower card is one of them. At first, the imagery can be jarring: it depicts a structure getting struck by a bolt of lightning, a crown falling off, and two people tumbling from the structure.

This card is part of the Major Arcana, which exemplifies a life cycle of starting something new, going through trials and tribulations, and coming out acknowledging all that you’ve just gone through. This cycle can represent a single lifetime or even one aspect (followed by many more) in a person’s life.


The Tower card means that a structure that wasn’t built to last is about to be struck down by forces outside of itself (sometimes as an act of The Universe). Lightning is tearing this structure down to its foundation, and people may or may not be hurt in the process. Illusions will be stripped away, and you’ll be able to see the truth for what it is.

This isn’t always a fun process, but sometimes when this card comes up people get excited because it means a dishonest situation they’ve been living with will finally come to an end. They’ll see things as they really are, which can be freeing.

What I like about this card is that it also says you’ll be able to start again. You might build something else in the same place, or move on to build something new in the future. Either way, you’ll be able to take the lessons with you and figure out why this thing didn’t work in the first place.

If you look at the card from the perspective of the people falling out of it, they’re seeing the foundation fall apart right in front of them. They can see where the cracks are, where people didn’t put enough mortar, why it couldn’t hold up under the pressure. Obviously these are all metaphors for whatever the tower represents in your life.

Sometimes we’ll go through several Tower moments in our life, where something falls apart and we later see the truth for what it is. I’ve certainly experienced my own, and this can fall under the “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” mentality.

Recently The Tower card has been coming up, which makes sense as we go further into fall and slowly approach Scorpio season. Scorpio is represented by the Death card, which symbolizes transformation. There’s a theme here—an ending followed by a subsequent transformation.

More and more planets are leaving their retrograde status and going direct (although a couple of retrogrades are coming up), which means things are going to be moving forward. There’s a shift coming for many people, and with it are going to be opportunities to analyze what they really want in their lives.

If you feel like you’re the one falling out of the tower at the moment, I’ve created a tarot reading that can help give you some guidance and clarity. You might feel like things are falling apart, but that could be to your benefit down the line.

Embracing the Tower Tarot Card Reading

This tarot reading answers the following questions for you:

Something coming to an end that needs to be released from your life

Something that needs to be embraced.

This reading can be done on Zoom, over the phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It costs $50, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email kajoralovely@gmail.com.


What’s Blocking Love? Tarot Reading

You’ve Been Ghosted! Tarot Reading

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

You've Been Ghosted! Tarot Reading

By now, we’re all fairly familiar with the concept of ghosting—when someone disappears from your life completely with no explanation, no goodbye, no nothing. Sometimes they might unfriend or block you from social media. Other times, they’ll keep living their life in full public view.

The HBO® series Insecure recently explored the emotional residue of ghosting in the episode “Obsessed-Like” (S3 E7). It was only a matter of time until this topic was covered in depth on a major television series because it’s become so commonplace—I think most of us can admit we’ve done it or had it done to us at least once.

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In the example played out in Insecure, Issa Rae’s character with the same first name is ghosted by a man she went on several dates with and began to develop a connection with. The episode shows how Issa questions (as many do) and analyzes anything she ever said or did with this guy to find a possible explanation as to why he disappeared in a puff of ninja smoke.

There are those who claim they don’t experience any of these feelings and instead write it off to the commonality of ghosting. But if you did feel a connection, giving up the ghost can be hard. It’s rejection without a real ending or even a semblance of an explanation, which can be painful. And if you saw potential for a real relationship, letting those hopes go without a concrete ending is difficult.

You’ve Been Ghosted! Tarot Reading

If you’re dealing with a Casper (or even a not-so-friendly ghost) of your very own, I’ve created a tarot reading designed to help give you some peace of mind and mental clarity. The reading explores the following:

Why this person was in your life

What you can do to begin to let them go

A trait of yours that you should feel good about

This reading can be done on Zoom, over the phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It is $75, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email Kajora Lovely at kajoralovely@gmail.com.


What’s Blocking Love? Tarot Reading

Overcoming Judgement With Self Love

Let’s Reveal Some Secrets Tarot Reading

Autumn Equinox Tarot Readings

It’s officially autumn! September 20th to 23rd mark the Autumn Equinox, also known to witches and pagans as Mabon. This is a very popular time of year—not just because of the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte—but it’s traditionally a time to reap the benefits of the summer harvest and enjoy the Earth’s bounty. But truth be told, savoring PSLs is part of that—enjoying the harvest of this season and practicing gratitude for the produce we can feast on.

During this time of year, the amount of daylight and darkness is at equal points. This is true not just in the Northern Hemisphere, where we’re experiencing fall, but also in the Southern Hemisphere, where it’s the Vernal Equinox.

We’re also entering Libra season (represented by the scales), so you might notice a newfound emphasis in your life on balance. Even if you’re not a Libra, during each astrological season we’re each affected by different attributes of that sign. It’s not meant to be a scapegoat, but it can help explain why you might be feeling a certain way or notice those attributes in other people and their actions.

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Back when people tilled their own farms, this would be a time of year to prepare for the coming days of winter. People would begin to preserve their fruit in the form of jams, pickle vegetables and fish, cure meat, mull spices into wine or vinegar, and store their harvest from summer.

If people lived in areas where it snowed heavily and nothing grew in the winter, they’d be storing food that would last them for over six months. In the meantime, they could also enjoy seasonal produce such as apples and pumpkins. But the space of food stores were limited, so not everything would last and not everything could be stored.

This is a good time to take stock of your current situation and notice how far you’ve come. What did you harvest over the summer season? That was a rough few months of retrogrades and eclipses back to back to back, and Venus in Scorpio is going to have us reflecting on our relationships for the next month or so. The planets are starting to move forward, which feels like a weight has been lifted. But the planetary shifts are still getting us to dig deep and focus on ourselves.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break, look back on your accomplishments, and enjoy yourself a bit with those seasonal dishes made with apples, cinnamon, and pumpkin.

To help you through this transition period as we finish up summer and prepare for the coming days of winter, I’m offering an Autumn Equinox Tarot Reading. This focuses on an accomplishment or achievement of yours from this summer, what you need to store for the winter, what needs to be released before winter comes, and something to savor in your life right now. The reading is $90, and if you’re interested, simply email me at kajoralovely@gmail.com.

Happy Autumn!

Blessed Mabon!

Autumn Equinox tarot Readings (3).jpg

Releasing the Devil

One card that keeps coming up in my tarot readings is The Devil. Now, I know it looks scary and I think this card is one of the main reasons there’s a misconception that all tarot readers work with the devil.

Going into that is a whole other post, including information about witch trials, false information spread about witches, prejudice against gypsies who used divination tools for fortune telling, and the general ways tarot card readers, mystics, and psychics have been ostracized and pushed to the fringes of society where their talents have existed with a mixture of novelty and reverence. (That being said, there are tarot readers who practice black magic, but I am not one of them, and this post is not about black magic.)

This is about The Devil card, which uses the devil as a metaphor to represent something in your life. It relates to anything that makes you feel trapped or stuck—a miserable job, an unhappy relationship, an addiction, a destructive pattern, unhealthy attachments, the list goes on. For each person this represents something different, and it can vary depending on the point you’re at in your life.

The Devil card in the Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith deck

The Devil card in the Radiant Rider-Waite-Smith deck

A classic depiction of this card is from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which most contemporary decks are based off of. The devil pictured is based on depictions of the deity Baphomet, and shows a man and a woman chained to a base and the man’s tail is on fire.

Now it’s worth mentioning that since goats have gained an association with Baphomet and the devil, this card also represents the astrological sign of Capricorn, which is depicted as the goat. With that Earth energy, it compounds on the meaning of being stuck or rigid with hooves planted firmly in the earth.

The Devil card in The Wild Unknown tarot deck

The Devil card in The Wild Unknown tarot deck

When I pull a card in multiple readings like I have recently, it’s usually an indication that we’re each being guided to work on the theme of that card. This card is a reminder that toxicity, addictions, and manipulative situations come in many forms.

Do you know what toxic energies need to be cleared from your life? This card is part of the Major Arcana, which broaches major themes in our lives—therefore this may not be a situation that can be fixed overnight.

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

With this theme coming up at the moment, I’m offering a Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading, which addresses the following:

What The Devil represents in your life

Why it’s coming up now

Why you need to let it go

How you can start to release it

This reading can be done on Zoom, over the phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It costs $90, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email kajoralovely@gmail.com.


What’s Blocking Love? Tarot Reading

Embracing the Tower Card Tarot Reading

You’ve Been Ghosted! Tarot Reading


New Moon in Virgo Tarot Readings

Sunday, September 9, 2018 marks a new moon in the sign of Virgo. New moons are a time of new beginnings because the moon just finished its darkest period (the dark moon on Saturday, September 8) and is now building energy, which culminates on the full moon. In general, this is a great time for building, starting new things, growing something in your life, and manifesting. 

On top of that, the new moon is in Virgo, and the Sun is in Virgo. When we're in a particular season for an astrological sign, we can all feel the influence of that sign's qualities in one form or another—regardless of your particular sign. Virgo is an Earth sign, which means it is practical and methodical and has a steady pace—which can feel slow compared to the other signs. Virgos seek perfection in their lives and in everyone else, so they can be very critical of themselves and of other people in their lives. 

Combine all of that with the day of Sunday! It's often considered the first day of the week, which means you have a new beginning coupled with a new beginning. 

All of this new energy makes this a great time to set something in motion. What do you want to see building or growing in your life? Do you know what you want to focus on moving forward? 

If you need some help moving you along, I've created a tarot spread that helps answer some of these questions and give you some insight. Tarot spreads are a way of looking at questions along a theme, and the cards answer those specific questions. 

In the More/Less Spread, the questions are simple but can be very helpful:

What do you need to focus on more? Why or How?

What do you need to focus on less? Why or How?

What is something you can stop criticizing yourself about? 

This reading is $80, and can be done over phone or Zoom, or sent to you in a detailed email. You can pay via either Venmo or PayPal, and to book a reading, email me at kajoralovely@gmail.com.