Let's Reveal Some Secrets

Happy New Moon in Pisces! How are you feeling this month? There’s a lot going on in the month of March, and we’re starting it in the middle of Pisces season. On Thursday, March 7th, we have a New Moon in Pisces as the first slivers of sunlight are being reflected off of the moon.


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it contains aspects of every other sign within it. This can feel like a lot of energy, and sometimes that can be confusing. It’s also a water sign, meaning it connects to our emotions and can make us feel things we would rather not feel.

Pisces also rules over secrets. Think of what’s submerged in the depths of the ocean—crashed pirate ships, buried treasure, deep trenches, coral reefs, and sea creatures stories have been written about. Pisces season is a great time to tap into our subconscious, the thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and experiences we might prefer to ignore. This is not necessarily for the faint of heart—swimming into your own depths can take courage, strength, and stamina.

As the last season in this zodiac cycle, there’s an opportunity to wrap up and finish old patterns in our lives. We’re approaching the Vernal Equinox, which gives us an opportunity to find balance between the sun and moon, day and night, light and dark, within our own lives (more on that later).

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New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading

For this New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading, let’s explore aspects of your subconscious or waking life. What’s something you want to know more about? Is there a situation in your life where you feel people are keeping secrets from you? What’s an aspect of yourself you’re thinking of exploring? Do you keep having a recurring dream that you’re trying to make sense of?

This reading is being offered around the time of the New Moon because this lunar aspect is an ideal time for new beginnings. It’s an opportunity to set your intentions for where you want to go in the future, and once you have more information at your disposal, it can clarify exactly where you want to direct your energy.

Also, Pisces season ends on March 20, leading us into Aries season and a new zodiac cycle. Aries energy is the warrior and leader; it knows where it wants to go and is happy to lead the charge to get there. As a fire sign it wants action, and it wants to use its masculine energy to light the way forward.

Once secrets are revealed, you have time to consider what that means for you, and what you want to change (if anything) moving forward.

The New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading answers the following questions:

What needs to be revealed?

How does this information benefit you?

Knowing this information, what’s the next best step for you to take?

When booking this reading, you can specify if you want something revealed from your subconscious or from your everyday waking life. But you certainly don’t have to—in the individual reading we can see what comes up, which is often what your spirit guides want you to know in that moment. This reading is $70, and can be prepaid for distance sessions or paid upon completion for in-person sessions.

To book, email kajoralovely@gmail.com. If you are interested in a distance reading, you can prepay to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. In your email, you can include where the secrets are that you would like to be revealed. You can also not specify and simply request a reading—the choice is yours.


March Tarot Readings for All Signs

The Hanged Man Tarot Reading

Releasing the Devil Tarot Reading

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are

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