Full Moon

Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading

Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading

On Friday, September 13th, there’s a Full Moon in Pisces. This day also coincides with celebrating Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, war, divination, witchcraft, and fertility.

Since the Full Moon in Pisces coincides with Freyja’s Day this year, I think it’s an excellent time to explore our own unique gifts. We’re also heading into fall, a time when we begin to draw inward and focus a bit more on ourselves than we did during the warmer months.

Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading

Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading

There’s a Full Moon in Capricorn on Tuesday July 16th, and this is a great time to harness the hardworking and ambitious energy of the sign of Capricorn. During this Full Moon, there will also be a partial lunar eclipse, meaning there may be some revelations and information coming to light.

If you’re looking for some guidance during this time, book a Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading with Kajora Lovely.

How the Full Moon in Libra Can Help You in Love

The Pink Full Moon in Libra takes place this Friday, and it will be a powerful time for making changes in our personal lives when it comes to love.

The name Pink Full Moon comes from Native American tradition and relates to the color of blooming flowers that can be seen this time of year. The astrological sign of Libra rules over love, relationships, and harmony.

The combination of these energies makes this a great time to release anything in your life that no longer serves you, practice some self care mixed with self love, and use this shift to implement new changes in your life.

Full Pink Moon in Libra

The Full Moon in Libra

In the early hours of Friday morning, April 19th, there will be a Full Pink Moon in Libra. The following day, Saturday April 20th, Taurus season begins.

Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the planet of love. These combined elements make it a powerful time to become clear about what you want when it comes to relationships in your life. Full Moons are a culmination of energy, which makes them a potent time to release what hasn’t served you in the past so you can move forward unhindered.

This Moon phase coincides with the New Moon in Libra on September 28th, and the changes you make during this Full Moon could come full circle by that time.

So what kinds of changes can you make?

The phrase for Libra is “I Balance,” and it also rules over relationships, harmony, cooperation, and peace. This provides an opportunity to bring balance to every type of relationship in your life—romantic, platonic, business, and your relationship with yourself.

There are three things you can do during this Full Moon in Libra: release what is no longer serving you, take a self love bath, and use this energy to make changes in the month to come. If you have any Full Moon rituals in your practice, you can incorporate these in if you like.

The Full Moon takes place in the early hours of Friday morning, so you can actually do these activities on either Thursday or Friday night—it just depends what’s more convenient for you.

I’m also offering a Full Moon in Libra Tarot Reading (see below) if you need help in any of these areas.

Full Moon Release

Full Moons are a powerful time to release anything you no longer want in your life, and with this one in particular, you can release everything from partnerships you don’t want to take forward with you into the future.

To help you release anything you don’t want anymore, make a list. You can start this list now and add to it as different things come up over the next couple days.

The sign of Libra is the element of Air, which rules over our thoughts. Under this influence we can stew and be self-critical, especially if we feel we’re not feeling confident in terms of love.

Instead, I encourage you to utilize Libra’s  influence to your advantage in making the changes you want. If you think about what you do and don’t like in the relationships you currently have in your life and those in the past, write down the elements you could do without!

For example: patterns from your family members you don’t want to repeat, betrayals from friends or loved ones you want to leave behind, any resentment you may have to an ex or someone who mistreated you, or feelings of doubt, jealousy, anger, codependency, that you’ve had in your relationships.

Write down everything and anything you want to release. Your statements can be broad, such as “I release any all blockages in my life when it comes to love.” Or you can write that you’re releasing a specific person and all of your connections to them.

Here are some ideas of things to release:

Fear - Negative body image - Jealousy - Resentment - Anger - Anxiety - Worry - Self-Criticism - Insecurity - Feeling Unworthy of Love - Feeling out of Balance - Self-Doubt - Old Relationships - Old Relationship Patterns - Unhealthy Family Patterns - Loneliness - Abuse - Lack of Feeling Empowered

If anything else comes to mind as something you want to let go of, by all means, write it down so you can let it go.

Full Moon in Libra Release

Once you’ve completed your list, burn it in a safe place. This could be in a fireplace, over a fire pit, or in a flameproof bowl. Once it’s completely burned and the ashes have cooled, you can flush the ashes down the toilet or dump in the trash and take out the trash. (If you do the latter, be sure the ashes have completely cooled!)

Afterward, you can cleanse your space if you like, such as burning palo santo, sprinkling Florida Water, or spraying Holy Water. Ask the divine spirits you work with (such as your higher power, angels, or deities) to give you loving, healing energy to fill the spaces within you where you released.

Self Love Bath

After letting go of what you don’t want to take forward with you, give yourself some much needed self love. I’m saying much needed because the vast majority of us are not very kind to ourselves.

But never forget: the relationship you have with yourself is the longest relationship you will have in your life. Therefore, it’s the most important.

Check out my full list of love-related plants and essential oils in the blog post All Things Love, but here are a few to get you started:

Essential Oils

Chamomile - Cinnamon - Clove - Jasmine - Juniper - Lavender - Lemon - Sweet Orange - Patchouli - Ylang-Ylang


Almond - Basil - Calendula - Cardamom - Comfrey - Copal - Coriander - Dragon’s Blood - Frangipani - Geranium - Hibiscus - Honeysuckle - Jasmine - Lemon Verbena - Magnolia - Marjoram - Marshmallow - Rose - Rosemary - Violet

Self Love Bath Salts

Whatever herbs you choose, I recommend grinding them (I use a mortar and pestle or a small coffee grinder) and chop them. The idea is to get these to be as small as possible so they don’t clog up the drain in your bathtub.
Combine the plants of your choice with about 2 cups of either Epsom Salt or Himalayan Salt (especially if you have diabetes), either in a jar or a bowl. If you’re using essential oils, you can add them either to the salts and stir, or pour in the salt and then drop the oils into the bathwater.

When you’re drawing the bath, you can place crystals such as Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz in the tub to charge the water. Once you’re ready, take out the crystals and stir in the bath salts until they’re dissolved.

If you want to get witchy with it, place your hands over the water, and set an intention. You can ask the spirits you work with (such as your spirit guides, ancestors, deities, and higher power) for help when it comes to self love. You can be specific or vague, focusing on something in particular you want to change or asking for general overall help in the self love department. Do what feels comfortable for you!

When you’re in the water, stay for at least 15 minutes. You can meditate, relax, or do some self love exercises. For example, you can place your hands over your heart and say affirmations like “I acknowledge my flaws, I acknowledge my strengths, and I accept them equally. I love myself wholly and completely.” If anything else comes to mind and feels right, say it either out loud or in your mind.  

Some traditions do not believe in actually washing yourself in a spiritual bath, however I live in Southern California, which only recently came out of a drought, so I’m big on conserving water. Washing yourself is a form of self care and cleansing, so you can also imagine scrubbing away emotional grime, negative thoughts, whatever you feel could be attached to you that you don’t want to carry on your body anymore.

If there are other routines you enjoy when taking a bath, feel free to add those in. Light candles. Play music that helps you relax. This bath is all about you, so do what you can to make it a treat for yourself.

Going Forward

On Saturday April 20th, Taurus season begins. The sign of Taurus is an Earth element, and rules over wealth, stability, persistence, and determination. The phrase for Taurus is “I Have.”

Now that you’ve released energies that no longer served you and you have a renewed connection with yourself from the self love bath, what do you have that you didn’t have before?

How do you feel different? How do you feel the same? You can reflect, write, or meditate on these questions. If you and a friend do some of these activities at the same time, get together and discuss what you’re feeling.

Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the planet of love. The changes you make during this Full Moon can be carried out and executed during Taurus season. Taurus enjoys feeling good, both at home and in the body, and looking good. You may want to treat yourself in little ways during this astrological season.

There will be a New Moon in Taurus on Saturday May 4th, and at this time you can determine what you want to manifest in your life. Similar to releases, you can start this list now and add to it over time.

Once you’ve released the things that held you back and have gotten used to that new energy, it’s easier to figure out where you want to go moving forward.

Full Moon in Libra Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

If you’re struggling in any or all of these areas, you can also book the Full Moon in Libra Tarot Reading with Kajora Lovely!

This tarot card reading answers the following questions for you:

  • Where are you experiencing blockages when it comes to love?

  • What needs to be released?

  • How can you love yourself more?

  • How can you make positive changes to bring more love into your life?

This reading is $45, and can be prepaid to Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. The reading can be done in person, over the phone, through Skype, or sent in detail in an email. To book your reading, email kajoralovely@gmail.com.


All Things Love: Recipes, Rituals & a Reading

Need Some Good News Tarot Reading

Lavender & Lemon Body Sugar Scrub

Full Moon in Libra.jpg

Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo

Pisces season begins February 18th, which is a water sign that’s mutable, meaning it likes to change. This season can influence your feelings, beliefs, secrets, emotions, psychic abilities, desire to indulge, and your association with labels. Pisces can have very expansive energy and doesn’t have boundaries, so this can help you grow emotionally, or it can be difficult to reel it in when you’re drinking or eating too much and want to tone it down.

As always, it’s important to check in with yourself and be honest about what you do and don’t want in your life. What habits or behaviors do you want to release? Which ones do you want to keep with you, and bring to the fore, moving forward?

On February 19th there is a Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign that also likes change, but it is very analytical and practical about what it wants and enjoys planning to move things forward. That analysis also translates to the self, and Virgo focuses a great deal on introspection.

Full Moons are a time of completion and culmination, when the flowers are (energetically) in bloom, when spiritual energy, growth, and development has reached its peak, when you can harvest what you have cultivated, and also figure out what you want to release.

Full Moons are a powerful time to release anything you don’t want to carry forward, and this energy continues with the waning moon. It’s also a great time to charge crystals, tarot cards, other divination or scrying tools, and also to charge water to use in spells or rituals. If you want to create a body spray with essential oils or herbs, you could charge the water under the light of a full moon before adding your ingredients to give the mixture some added potency.

Keep in mind you don’t have to do any of these things, but if you’d like to use the energy of the Full Moon to your advantage, those are a few ideas.

If you want some guidance during this time, check out The Hanged Man Tarot Reading.


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