Vernal Equinox: Finding A Balance

Around March 21st of each year, we experience the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the first day of spring, and it’s significant because it marks the end of one zodiac cycle and the beginning of another by finishing out Pisces season and starting Aries season.

The Equinoxes mark the time of year when the hours of sunlight and nighttime are equal. At this time of year, the days are getting longer and the sun is getting stronger. It’s no coincidence that the Vernal Equinox marks the pagan holiday of Ostara, the precursor to Easter, celebrating the return of new life, crops growing, flowers blooming, fertility, and the general excitement that comes with a new spring season and knowing the temperatures will be warming up again. It’s also the time of Nowruz, the Persian New Year.

When we experience equal amounts of daylight and nighttime, there’s an opportunity for us to find a balance in our internal and external worlds.


Balance and the Tarot

In the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the two cards I associate with balance are Justice and Temperance.

Justice also represents the astrological sign of Libra, and with it symbolizes external balance. Lady Justice in the card can also represent a trial or legal process, but more often than not, in my readings it often comes up as a need for an external balance in life. This relates to how you interact with other people, your daily schedule, the foods you’re eating, the people you come into contact with, your home life, and so on.

The Temperance card represents the astrological sign of Sagittarius and the need for an internal emotional balance. This often refers to your day-to-day feelings, meshing two seemingly opposing concepts in such a way that it works for you, giving back to yourself as you need it, and finding the balance inside yourself that keeps you operating at a frequency where you feel comfortable.

Naturally, these are ongoing themes that pop up at different points in our lives. Sometimes these cards appear together, but it can vary. If someone has a stable home life, good job, and is more less happy with their social life, but has issues they’re not dealing with or is telling themselves something they know is not helpful, then there’s a need for an internal balance. If another person is checking in with themselves, taking care of their own emotional needs, yet hates their job or fights with someone they’re living with, there’s a need for an external balance.

However, what is true without is often true within. If there’s something off balance in your external life, chances are there’s something that needs attention internally.

Balancing Masculine & Feminine

The other spectrum of balance is between the aspects of divine feminine and divine masculine. Regardless of our gender affiliation, we all have some aspects of both within us, and in truth, we need both to keep an even keel within ourselves.

These aspects also relate to the concepts of Yin and Yang.

Yin energy refers to the feminine aspect, the Moon, Water, Earth, the color black, being receptive, emotional, passive, soft, unconventional, mystical, dreamy, intuitive, abstract, and receiving.

Yang energy refers to the masculine aspect, the Sun, Fire, Air, the color white, logic, faith, mathematical, traditional, hard, active, structural, analytical, and pursuing.

Personally, I believe that as we collectively explore the concept of gender, this can lead us to a better understanding of how we understand ourselves in an internal and external way. In my experience, people do not fit in completely with one aspect or another—they are often a combination of Yin and Yang.

Finding a balance around the Vernal Equinox can also mean looking at any of those aspects that seem to be nagging at you.

Reiki and Balance

Reiki is a Japanese healing originally inspired by The Buddha. The practitioner (such as myself) channels healing energy through their body to the person they’re working on.

In Reiki there is a way to balance each of the chakras or promote balance in any part of the body that needs it. Chakras are different energetic points throughout the body that relate to feelings of stability, creativity, empowerment, emotions, communication, insight, and the divine connection.

These aspects of the body often operate exactly as they should with the right amount of energy and momentum, or they can either be going too slow or too fast. For example, if your root chakra is weak, you might feel imbalanced, unsafe, and insecure in your daily life. If your throat chakra is going too fast, you might be sharing more than you want and feel like you’re experiencing word vomit. In these cases, bringing a balance can help because the intention is to bring the chakra to the appropriate energetic speed for you.

Finding a Balance Healing & Tarot Reading

The whole month of March offers a great time to do some work with yourself and see where you need or want to find a balance in your life. It’s a good time to sit with yourself in nature or do some journaling and self-reflection.

If you’re not sure where to start, I’m currently offering a tarot reading and Reiki healing. You can choose one or the other, or you’re welcome to do both. These can be done as distance sessions, with the reading and consultation done over the phone or via Skype, or in person in Long Beach, California.

Balance Reiki Healing

This Reiki healing focuses on bringing balance to the body. There is a symbol that brings balance wherever it is applied, and this can be done on all of your chakras and areas around the body that need it. During the session I will focus on what needs some balancing, and work on anything else that pops up during the session. There will be a consultation before and after. For distance sessions, these can be done while you’re meditating or relaxing at home. If your schedule doesn’t allow for it, it can also be done while you’re working or while you’re asleep. The session is 20 minutes and costs $50, and can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. If you’re interested, email me at, and we can work out the details for timing and work with your schedule.

Balance Tarot Reading

The Balance Tarot Reading can help you learn where to start in finding a balance for your life. It answers the following questions:

What area of your life needs to be balanced?

How can this balance benefit you?

What’s the first step you should take?

This tarot reading can be conducted in-person, over the phone, over Skype, or through email. It costs $70 and can be prepaid through Venmo to @Kajora-Lovely. To book, simply email

Doing Both the Healing & Reading

If you would like to do both, they can both be done either in-person or distance. For distance readings and healings, these can be done over the phone, through Skype, or over email. I can email you the tarot reading, and we can email before and after the Reiki session—it’s up to you. If you would like to do both, it’s $120, which can be prepaid through Venmo to @Kajora-Lovely.

Additional Guidance

If you want to get some more information about what’s going on this month, check out my video below about the general energy for March and watch the tarot reading for your sign for the month of March.