New Moon in Capricorn

New Year, New Moon! How are you feeling at the moment? After the astrological events of the summer, retrogrades of the fall, and the holidays around the time of the Winter Solstice, there’s been a lot going on. Now we’re starting 2019 with some events back to back, ending with the New Moon in Capricorn. We’ll be in Capricorn season until January 19th, and starting the new year under this aspect gives us the discipline and determination to move things forward in our lives.

If you’d like to skip to the New Moon in Capricorn reading, feel free to scroll to the end.

Saturday: Dark Moon & Solar Eclipse

On Saturday January 5th, it’s the Dark Moon—the day when there is zero light upon the Moon. This time is meant for releasing, doing internal work within the darker aspects of ourselves, banishing, and dark magick. Saturday is the last day of the week, making it a great time to do cleaning of all sorts.

This is a great time to release anything you want to leave behind in 2018.

One way to release is to write down everything you want to let go of: fears, negative thoughts or patterns, self-doubt, mindsets of scarcity, anxieties, worries, negative self-talk, concerns about the future. In this case, you can be as specific or as vague as you like. For example, you can write something like “I release any and all concerns about my future.” Write these down on paper and then, in a safe place, set them on fire. You can burn them in a fireplace, in an outdoor fire pit, or even over a fireproof bowl away from other flammable materials. Once they are burned up, take a deep sigh and know that they are no longer in your life.

If you have a bathtub at home, you can also do something similar with bath salts. You can either say aloud or imagine all of the things you want to release. You can write them down as described above and say them out loud or read them to yourself. Imagine all of those feelings, thoughts, etc leeching out of your body and going into the water. When you’re done, rinse yourself off to get rid of any last residue.

The idea is to release any thoughts or feelings that do not serve you moving forward. Whatever your purpose, whatever you want to manifest or make room for in your life, let those go so that there is space in your body, mind, and energy field to make those things possible.

Sunday: New Moon & Uranus Goes Direct

Sunday is the first of the day of the week, which is always a great time for the first phase of the waxing moon. The planet Uranus also goes direct in Aries on January 6th, and these three elements combined will help create a lot of forward momentum in all our lives. This is a very powerful day for writing down manifestions and intentions for the future.

(By the way, if you weren’t able to release on Saturday, you can also do this on Sunday. It’s all about intention, so make it very clear to yourself and to The Universe that you do NOT want these things in your life moving forward.)

When you write down intentions and manifestations, one way is to write in the present tense—as if what you want already exists in your life. You can start with the phrase “I am so happy now that…”

If that doesn’t jive with you, find the wording that feels comfortable. It honestly doesn’t matter what works for anyone else. We are all different, and you’re telling The Universe what you want for yourself. It’s important to speak your true language.

The main idea is to be as detailed as you want. Dream as big as you possibly can. This is not the time to believe in a limited version of yourself or a limited version of your future.

We’ve been going through so many damn changes since 2012. You’ve gone through who knows how many waves of healing and learning lessons over the last few years. 2018 might have shaken you to your core and revealed some very important details to you. Use those lessons, those experiences, those epiphanies, and then shoot beyond the Moon and into the stars. What is it that you truly, truly want?

If it helps, you can meditate sitting up or lying down (whichever you prefer) and begin to visualize the details of the life you want to have in six months, a year, two years, ten years—whenever you want to plan for. Imagine what it’s like getting up, starting your day, interacting with the people in your home. Notice the colors, plants, decor, and food. Where do you work? What do you do? How do you feel throughout the day? How do you end the day? Do you have dinner with friends or come home to have a meal with your roommates or family or spouse? How do you interact with your coworkers and the people you love? How often do you travel?

You can adapt these ideas to whatever goal you have, but the idea is to make sure it’s a life you want to lead. We each have our own innate talents, ideas, abilities, and goals. How do you want to make the best use of your skills and put them into the world? What does satisfaction feel like to you? Even if your dream life sounds simple in theory, the idea is to ask for what you want in the best case scenario.

Once you tell The Universe what you want, it will do everything it can to bring it to you. This can happen with either positive intentions or negative intentions.

New Moon in Capricorn Reading

For those of you who need a little help or want to make sure your bases are covered, I’m offering a New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading. As an Earth sign, Capricorn energy is disciplined and thorough, and the energy of this New Moon can help you move things forward in your life from 2019 onward.

This reading can be helpful if you:

  • Don’t know where to start when it comes to releases or setting intentions

  • Know what you want to release and manifest, but want to make sure you’re not missing something

  • Fall somewhere in between

For this particular reading, we will either speak first on the phone, or you can email me. Either way, you can tell me about what you want to let go of and what you want to bring into your life. This is confidential and will not be shared.

The idea is to help you speak about where you are presently and think about the thoughts or patterns that no longer serve you and what you really want for your life. I will pull tarot cards on both and see what messages come up, along with the messages of the cards themselves. These can validate what you’re already feeling or point out something you might not have considered. They may even flesh out an idea you were beginning to explore.

Then I will pull a last card about something for you to consider this year. This could relate directly to your releases and manifestation, or it could be a different message entirely. Every reading varies from person to person, and the idea is that it’s a specific message that is meant to help you on your own unique journey.

This reading is $70, and can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. If you’re interested in getting a reading for the New Moon in Capricorn, email

If you have any questions or thoughts about releasing and intention setting, please let me know in the comments below! If you have any personal questions, feel free to email me at

Happy New Moon!


Your Theme for 2019

January 2019 Tarot Readings

Don’t Be Afraid of Who You Are