New Moon in Virgo Tarot Readings

Sunday, September 9, 2018 marks a new moon in the sign of Virgo. New moons are a time of new beginnings because the moon just finished its darkest period (the dark moon on Saturday, September 8) and is now building energy, which culminates on the full moon. In general, this is a great time for building, starting new things, growing something in your life, and manifesting. 

On top of that, the new moon is in Virgo, and the Sun is in Virgo. When we're in a particular season for an astrological sign, we can all feel the influence of that sign's qualities in one form or another—regardless of your particular sign. Virgo is an Earth sign, which means it is practical and methodical and has a steady pace—which can feel slow compared to the other signs. Virgos seek perfection in their lives and in everyone else, so they can be very critical of themselves and of other people in their lives. 

Combine all of that with the day of Sunday! It's often considered the first day of the week, which means you have a new beginning coupled with a new beginning. 

All of this new energy makes this a great time to set something in motion. What do you want to see building or growing in your life? Do you know what you want to focus on moving forward? 

If you need some help moving you along, I've created a tarot spread that helps answer some of these questions and give you some insight. Tarot spreads are a way of looking at questions along a theme, and the cards answer those specific questions. 

In the More/Less Spread, the questions are simple but can be very helpful:

What do you need to focus on more? Why or How?

What do you need to focus on less? Why or How?

What is something you can stop criticizing yourself about? 

This reading is $80, and can be done over phone or Zoom, or sent to you in a detailed email. You can pay via either Venmo or PayPal, and to book a reading, email me at