New Moon in Sagittarius

It’s the last New Moon of 2018, and it’s in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Ruled by the planet Jupiter and symbolized by the Archer, Sagittarius is a fire sign that can be impulsive, passionate, expansive, generous, happy, and honest.

As a fire sign, Sagittarius energy likes action, ideas, and momentum, and that expansive energy means it wants to try new things or embark on new adventures. However, in that enthusiasm these signs can double book themselves or get a little overzealous in their commitments.

So how to use that energy to your benefit? We’re nearing the end of one year and the start of another, and we’re being called to end toxic situations and relationships and focus on what we want to build moving forward.

Sagittarius energy is very much about feelings—what does your gut tell you it wants to do? What feels right to you? Then, of that goal or idea, what can you realistically accomplish? This is when it helps to set parameters for yourself and be honest about how much time, energy, and effort your idea or adventure will need.

While every year calls for its own culling of the old in order to make way for the new (at least energetically or emotionally), in 2018 it feels no different. In my video tarot readings for each sign for this month, some messages were about getting out of toxic relationships while others were about figuring out who in your life you’d give life & limb for and realizing they’re the ones to carry with you into the new year.

It feels as though we’re on the brink of some major changes in the next few years, and so releasing old energy can make a huge difference in preparing for what’s to come. In a way, it seems to be figuring out where you really want to be, who you want to have around you, and how you want to spend your time, energy, and money. These are not always easy questions to answer, but let’s start at the beginning with the New Moon.

As the last New Moon of the year, it’s the last time to set intentions in this specific cycle. Harnessing that expansive, excited, adventurous energy of Sagittarius, what gets your internal fires going? What makes you want to overcommit to some exciting ventures, ideas, or partnerships?

In honor of this New Moon in Sagittarius, I’m offering a reading that answers the following questions:

What’s something you should be optimistic about?

What’s a risk you should take or an adventure you should consider at this time?

Where should you direct your energy moving forward?

Your custom reading can be emailed to you, and it costs $70 per person. Payments are made to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo, and if you’d like to book your reading, email