Kajora Lovely

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Embracing The Tower Card

There are some tarot cards often deemed “scary,” and The Tower card is one of them. At first, the imagery can be jarring: it depicts a structure getting struck by a bolt of lightning, a crown falling off, and two people tumbling from the structure.

This card is part of the Major Arcana, which exemplifies a life cycle of starting something new, going through trials and tribulations, and coming out acknowledging all that you’ve just gone through. This cycle can represent a single lifetime or even one aspect (followed by many more) in a person’s life.

The Tower card means that a structure that wasn’t built to last is about to be struck down by forces outside of itself (sometimes as an act of The Universe). Lightning is tearing this structure down to its foundation, and people may or may not be hurt in the process. Illusions will be stripped away, and you’ll be able to see the truth for what it is.

This isn’t always a fun process, but sometimes when this card comes up people get excited because it means a dishonest situation they’ve been living with will finally come to an end. They’ll see things as they really are, which can be freeing.

What I like about this card is that it also says you’ll be able to start again. You might build something else in the same place, or move on to build something new in the future. Either way, you’ll be able to take the lessons with you and figure out why this thing didn’t work in the first place.

If you look at the card from the perspective of the people falling out of it, they’re seeing the foundation fall apart right in front of them. They can see where the cracks are, where people didn’t put enough mortar, why it couldn’t hold up under the pressure. Obviously these are all metaphors for whatever the tower represents in your life.

Sometimes we’ll go through several Tower moments in our life, where something falls apart and we later see the truth for what it is. I’ve certainly experienced my own, and this can fall under the “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” mentality.

Recently The Tower card has been coming up, which makes sense as we go further into fall and slowly approach Scorpio season. Scorpio is represented by the Death card, which symbolizes transformation. There’s a theme here—an ending followed by a subsequent transformation.

More and more planets are leaving their retrograde status and going direct (although a couple of retrogrades are coming up), which means things are going to be moving forward. There’s a shift coming for many people, and with it are going to be opportunities to analyze what they really want in their lives.

If you feel like you’re the one falling out of the tower at the moment, I’ve created a tarot reading that can help give you some guidance and clarity. You might feel like things are falling apart, but that could be to your benefit down the line.

Embracing the Tower Tarot Card Reading

This tarot reading answers the following questions for you:

Something coming to an end that needs to be released from your life

Something that needs to be embraced.

This reading can be done on Zoom, over the phone, or sent to you in a detailed email. It costs $50, which can be prepaid to @Kajora-Lovely on Venmo. To book your reading, email kajoralovely@gmail.com.


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